
efficiently lazy engineering


I am Owen O’Connor (aka tux2603), and I am a PhD student and research assistant at Tennessee Technological University, where I am researching new approaches for energy efficient mobile accelerators. My interests include high-performance computing, low-level hardware designs, embedded system design, 3D printing, and cooking. This site is mostly meant to be a place where I can put project logs, some simple tutorials and guides, and other random things that I find interesting. The site is hosted using GitHub pages, and is automatically built using Jekyll. The site theme is based on the free Architect theme with some minor tweaks that I made, mostly to automatically generate the navigation sidebar and to add few other extra features. I also have a recipe repository, where I keep track of recipes that I like for easy access.

Since I’m a PhD student, I don’t have crazy amounts of free time that I can work on this site, but I will try to update it when I can.