
efficiently lazy engineering

Writing Your Project Specifications - 29 Jul 2023

An overview of how to write quick specifications for your DIY project

If you’re making a DIY electronics project that will be in use for long periods of time, it’s probably a good idea to build it with something a bit more permanent than breadboards and jumper wires. There are a couple different ways of doing this, such as using perfboards that function in the same way as solderless breadboards, but let you permanently solder all your components in place. If you want something a bit cleaner looking or if you want to make the project more compact, you can also make a custom PCB for your project. Designing a PCB from the ground up can be a seem like a daunting task full of potential pitfalls, but with the right preparation it can be a fairly straightforward process. This series of tutorials will walk you through the process of designing a fully custom PCB from the ground up, starting with writing specifications for your project and ending with a fully assembled (and hopefully functional) PCB.